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Pivot report is curring off... #2910

Open paulo opened this topic on on Dec 19, 2022 - 3 comments

paulo commented on Dec 19, 2022

when displaying a pivot report, it is cutting off on the right side, even if I scroll to the right. If I collapse everything , and expand only one column, I can try to squeezy in the information

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 20, 2022

Did you set PivotMatrix's width to a relative (%) or absolute (px, cm, etc) value as well its parent div?

paulo commented on Dec 30, 2022

I've added 'width' => '100%', and it is still cutting off columns. I have to minimize the top years, to be able to access the other columns What should I add?

            //'template' => 'PivotTable-Bun',
            'width' => '100%',
            //'showDataHeaders' => true



<div class="report-content">

    <div class="text-center">


Sebastian Morales commented on Jan 3, 2023

Perhaps you could try to add a parent div for the PivotMatrix and set a fixed width for the div, which could accommodate the PivotMatrix's expanding width. Let us know how it works.

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