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How to handle encrypted data in a MySQL database? #2900

Closed Rick Flower opened this topic on on Dec 13, 2022 - 1 comments

Rick Flower commented on Dec 13, 2022

Hi all..

I'm new to KoolReports and just getting my feet wet.. Many of our database tables have encrypted fields for sensitive data and I'm wondering what the best way to plug our decryption code into it. I'm believing that after the table fields are retrieved from the database, then I can decrypt them as part of the code within my setup() function...

I guess the thing that's tripping me up a bit is the use of the pipe. I understand the functionality of pipes but it's just an area I've got no experience with and am not sure how to insert an extra decryption step in the middle -- between the DB query and the existing pipe(s).


Rick Flower commented on Dec 13, 2022

nevermind.. I think I found my answer in the online docs -- in Process->Custom. That looks like it'll work ok. Thx!

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