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Optgroups on Bselect to have grouping in options #2887

Open iWorQ Systems opened this topic on on Nov 28, 2022 - 4 comments

iWorQ Systems commented on Nov 28, 2022

Hey, Just wondering if there is a way that I can do optgroups for Bselects? I want to be able to organize the options I have into categories, and I am not seeing a easy way of doing that with Koolreports? I know that the Bootstrap MultiSelect that it is using has the capabilities, as I looked at the documentation, just not sure if I know how to do it on the koolreport side. An example of what I really want is in the picture. I look forward to your help, and want to thank you for your time.

iWorQ Systems commented on Nov 28, 2022

I was able to create a messy one on my own. it makes something like in the picture, but was wondering if in the future this is something that would be just default in KoolReports. I made the these changes to the code to get it to work as well:

My View code:

                "placeholder"=>"Select customer",
                    "permit #"=>"permitnum_id",
                    "permit Date"=>"permit_dt",
                    "text 1"=>"text1",
                    "fee" => "feename",
                    "payment" => "payment",
                "optgroup" =>["permit" => ["permit #",
                "permit Date",
                "text 1"],"Fees"=>["fee",
                    'enableClickableOptGroups'=> true,
                    'enableCollapsibleOptGroups' => true,
                    'enableFiltering' => true,
                    'includeSelectAllOption' => true, 



 protected $optgroup;
 protected function onInit()

        $this->multiple = Utility::get($this->params,"multiple",false);
        $this->optgroup = Utility::get($this->params,"optgroup",null);
        //continue with Bselect.php


    foreach($this->optgroup as $key=>$group){
        echo('<optgroup label="'.$key.'"');
        foreach($group as $row){
            foreach($this->data as $item)
                $value = $item["value"];
                $text = $item["text"];
                if($text == $row){
                    <option value="<?php echo $value; ?>" <?php echo (($this->multiple)?in_array($value,$this->value):($value==$this->value))?"selected":""; ?>><?php echo $text; ?></option>
    foreach($this->data as $item)
        $value = $item["value"];
        $text = $item["text"];
        <option value="<?php echo $value; ?>" <?php echo (($this->multiple)?in_array($value,$this->value):($value==$this->value))?"selected":""; ?>><?php echo $text; ?></option>

Anyways, thanks for the time, and i hope to hear back from you soon.

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 1, 2022

I think this is a very nice solution, props to you! We will see if there's another way to do grouping in BSelect and let you know. Rgds,

iWorQ Systems commented on Jul 3, 2023

Have we gotten any where with this? I really do not want an option where we have to change the vendor files if we do not have to.

iWorQ Systems commented on Jul 3, 2023

By that I mean us manually changing it on our side.

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