Perhaps I didn't explain correctly. I want to load a report's datastores without displaying the report.
Here is how it works: 1) user runs and displays the main report. To do this KR creates a bunch of datasources. 2) user can chose a link on the report to view a subreport. The subreport opens its own datasources, and then displays its report. 3) a user can chose from the main report to download a few additional reports.
Issue: I create about 10 small tables for the main report. The main reports datastores are created from these. When the user logs off, my app drops the left over small tables. BUT, if a user X's out of the app instead of pressing logoff, the small tables get left on my database server. This causes the speed of the app to slow down considerably.
Through trial and error I found that I can delete the small tables, and the main report still works. Why? I assume that the datastores don't get destroyed until a user reboots the pc? So this works great for the main report, but what about the sub reports.
I'd like to create the datastores for all reports in a function in the Model and immediately drop the small tables right after that. Where are the datastores stored in memory?