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Difference between input and inputcontrol #2876

Open jernej opened this topic on on Nov 15, 2022 - 1 comments

jernej commented on Nov 15, 2022


Could someone please explain what's the main difference between InputControl and Input classes? They are extending from totally different classes and implementing different things... shouldn't they be extended from one another?

Reason for asking is that one is quickly confused what and how exactly needs to be done when you want to implement your own input field in dashboard...


KoolReport commented on Nov 16, 2022

Inside the Dashboard there is only Input class which is general class for input widget in Dashboard.

About the InputControl, I guess you mention the InputControl class inside koolreport\inputs package. This is the general class for input widget of KoolReport.

The input widget of Dashboard is generally derived from KoolReport's input widget and be made suitable with Dashboard environment.

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