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Localizations missing #2855

Open jernej opened this topic on on Oct 27, 2022 - 1 comments

jernej commented on Oct 27, 2022

Working with admin & dashboard I noticed that there are some texts left untranslated. For example RequiredFieldValidator class ads an error "Field is required", but this text is not being correctly called via Lang::t().

Maybe if someone could go through this stuff and publish an update with all text pipped through Lang class.

KoolReport commented on Oct 28, 2022

Thats great suggestion. For now you can set the errorMessage for the RequiredFieldValidator like this:

    ->errorMessage(Lang::t("Field is required"))

If you know the language you are using, you can just enter the text in your language.

Or if you use multiple language, you use Lang::t() together with extra translation via extra() method of language.

Let me know if you need further assistance.

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