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How to distinguish between screens? #2842

Open jernej opened this topic on on Oct 4, 2022 - 1 comments

jernej commented on Oct 4, 2022

In Admin Panel, I have created a custom field extending from \koolreport\dashboard\Field with a custom render file (.view.php). But I have to show a slightly different version in list screen, in update screen and in create screen (so each screen will have a bit different version of a field).

My question is: how do I know in my .view.php (or in class extending from dashboard\field) on which screen I currently am? Or is there some other way of doing this?

Thank you

KoolReport commented on Oct 5, 2022

A simple way to complete your idea is to create multiple same field and turn it on or off for each screen. You add a property "dedicatedScreen" to your custom field. And then you do this:

protected function fields()
    return [




Now in the view or anywhere in the MyField class, you can access the dedicatedScreen() to know where it is.

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