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How to update Jquery in koolreports_assets folder #2806

Open FinChamps opened this topic on on Aug 22, 2022 - 3 comments

FinChamps commented on Aug 22, 2022


I have noticed that the JQuery version used in the koolreports_assets folder is v3.4.1. This version has some security issues, so I want to use an updated version https://blog.jquery.com/2020/04/10/jquery-3-5-0-released

Can you please guide me how can we update it? Without it, our project can not pass the security compliances required by the clients.


KoolReport commented on Aug 24, 2022

It is very simple that you register the new jquery library at the view of report. Please remove any "use koolreport\clients\JQuery;" in the the report class.

FinChamps commented on Aug 24, 2022

Hi, Thank you for your response.

We don't have any "use koolreport\clients\JQuery;" in any of our report class. While studying the vendor code, I see that Jquery library is automatically added when we use components like 'Table', 'Select', etc.

Since almost every report will need these components, it is not an option that we don't use these component. Is there a way to pass the Jquery library file path, so that it uses given newer version instead of old version from "vendor/koolreport/core/src/clients/jquery/jquery.min.js"?

If not, can you please update the Jquery version in the vendor file? v3.4.1 has security issues so it would be beneficial for all your customers to have this fixed.

KoolReport commented on Aug 26, 2022

There is quickfix that you replace the vendor/koolreport/core/src/clients/jquery/jquery.min.js with jquery version 3.5.0. Remove all the generated files in "koolreport_assets" folder and run report again.

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