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Inputs package, the simplest way to build a dynamic report or dashboard #28

Open KoolReport opened this topic on on Jul 7, 2017 - 1 comments

KoolReport commented on Jul 7, 2017

From the beginning, report created on KoolReport is able to receive parameters. We can create our own form and transmit values from form to report to make it dynamic. However, the process is quite tedious. It requires us to create form and inputs controls and make them persistent to the state of user's input. That is the reason, we create Input package to simplify those tasks.

The Input package features:

  1. Containing common inputs: TextBox, CheckBoxList, RadioList, Select, MultiSelect, DateRangePicker and DateTimePicker.
  2. Input controls are able to bind to data to render
  3. State of input are persistent through POST/GET and in sync with report's parameters.

Here are two short demos:

  1. List of all input controls
  2. Order Listing example using input controls

The package is Totally Free.

The future of Inputs package, we want to add:

  1. Range slider picker
  2. Autocomplete input controls

Feel free to add your ideas here of input controls you want to have or any comments to improve the Inputs package.


KoolPHP Inc

Zubin commented on Jul 9, 2017

I love this package very much. You've made my life easier. The features I need most is the data-binding. It works brilliant. Can't wait for the range slider and autocomplete. Keep up good work guys!

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