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Dashboard with json API datasource #2798

Closed Amr opened this topic on on Aug 19, 2022 - 2 comments

Amr commented on Aug 19, 2022

Dear All I'm developing a dashboard with multiple charts and tables, data source is JSON returned api, i tried a lot but finally failed, I need your help to give me the simplest way to construct and develop the dashboard.

GHSix commented on Aug 19, 2022


I'm no Kool dev, so maybe they come up with some special way to do it in the Dashboard.

That said, since Koolreport accepts Array as a datasource, what I can think off is that you can fetch your API from PHP, using curl or whatever method you prefer, convert the returned JSON to an array, an pass it direct into dataSource function.

The Dashboard Demo app have some array data sources examples to take a look.

Hope it helps.

Amr commented on Aug 20, 2022

Thx GHSix for your help, finally i succeeded, i've tested the dashboard with an array datasource found an error, then very smoothly i applied the API

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