Hello Team, I am trying to create a pivot table... I have 2 questions
- How can i perform sort options... while clicking on sort it is throwing Method Not Allowed Exception added screenshot here
- I need to change the column header name... can you suggest how can i implement that?
my implementation of pivot matrix code
"id" => "pivotMatrix1",
'dataSource' => function () {
return $this->src('mysql')
->pipe(new PivotSQL(array(
"dimensions" => array(
"column" => implode(',', $this->column_fields),
"row" => implode(',', $this->row_fields),
"aggregates" => array(
"sum" => implode(',', $this->aggregate_fields),
"columns" => $this->column,
"serverPaging" => true,
'width' => '100%',
// 'rowCollapseLevels' => array(0),
// 'width' => '100%',
// 'height' => '500px',
// 'template' => 'PivotMatrix-Bun',
// 'totalName' => 'Total',
'hideGrandTotalRow' => true,
'hideGrandTotalColumn'=> true,
'method' => 'GET',
'paging' => array(
'size' => 10,
'maxDisplayedPages' => 5,
'sizeSelect' => array(5, 10, 20, 50, 100)