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Display KoolReport Dashboard (without Bootstraping) in Codeigniter MVC application #2647

Open Sonal Patni opened this topic on on Apr 24, 2022 - 1 comments

Sonal Patni commented on Apr 24, 2022

I am looking at the example https://www.koolreport.com/docs/dashboard/quick_start/

I have an existing codeigniter application with left nav and other components up and running. Currently if i include the Dashboard Application and bootstrap it using App::create()->run(); in the controller, it redirects the entire application to the Dashboard Application.

I want the user to stay in my codeigniter application and show the dashboard only when the user clicks on a left nav menu item. For ex. in my existing application, I would like to add a left nav menu - Payments and show PaymentBoard when the user clicks on the menu.

How do I achieve this?

KoolReport commented on Apr 26, 2022

The dashboard framework could not be able to do so. It is a solid piece including the menu, dashboard, widget. If you want to integrate reports deeper into your application like having your own menu then you create normal reports with KoolReport Pro. Adding action into CodeIgniter's controller and in there, you create report object and render. Something like this.

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