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Easy way to Sum columns under a DataTable #2459

Closed paulo opened this topic on on Nov 24, 2021 - 4 comments

paulo commented on Nov 24, 2021

Hi, is there an easy way of sum columns to show total at the bottom from a Datatable ny changing the class only (not the view?) See example that I have which aligned a string to the right. I am trying to get a total for columns amount, fee and balance. thank you very much


        ->pipe(new Map(array(

            '{meta}' => function($metaData) {
                $metaData['columns']['CBNumber'] = array(
                    'type' => 'string',
                    'cssStyle' => 'text-align:right',

                return $metaData;
Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 25, 2021

For DataTables, to sum a column at footer pls set columns' meta's footer and set "showFooter" => true like this:

    "showFooter" => true,
    "columns" => array(
        "amount" => array(
            "footer" => "sum",
            "footerText" => "Total: @value", // if "footerText" is empty, "@value" will be used

Let us know how this works for you. Tks,

paulo commented on Nov 29, 2021

Thanks Sebastian, I converted to meta , it works, but I couldn't get to be right-aligned. An idea? thanks:

        ->pipe(new Map(array(
            '{meta}' => function($metaData) {
                $metaData['columns']['amount'] = array(
                    'cssStyle' => 'text-align:right',
                    'footer' => 'sum',
                    'footerText' => '@value',
                return $metaData;
Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 30, 2021

DataTables currently only has "className" column meta. We will consider adding "cssStyle" in the next version. In the meantime you could set a column css class like this:

        ->pipe(new Map(array(
            '{meta}' => function($metaData) {
                $metaData['columns']['amount'] = array(
                    'className' => 'text-right',
                return $metaData;

    .text-right {
paulo commented on Nov 30, 2021

thank you that worked! Paulo

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