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Visualquery javascript js object / class is not defined #2413

Open Head opened this topic on on Nov 1, 2021 - 37 comments

Head commented on Nov 1, 2021

Uncaught ReferenceError: vq is not defined

at HTMLButtonElement.onclick

I have already included js file

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 1, 2021

Pls post your report's full setup and view code. Tks,

Head commented on Nov 1, 2021



// use \koolreport\charttable\ChartTable;
use \koolreport\visualQuery\VisualQuery;
use \koolreport\datagrid\DataTables;

    <form method="post">
        <div class="report-content">


                "name" => "vq",
                "themeBase" => "bs4",
                "schema" => "salesSchema",
                "defaultValue" => [
                    "selectDistinct" => false,
                    "selectTables" => [
                    "selectFields" => [
                    "filters" => [
                            "field" => "payroll_entries.salary",
                            "operator" => ">",
                            "value1" => "2001-01-01",
                            "value2" => "",
                            "logic" => "and",
                            "toggle" => true,
                            "field" => "check_details.check_number",
                            "operator" => "nbtw",
                            "value1" => "2",
                            "value2" => "998",
                            "logic" => "or",
                            "toggle" => true,
                        ["employees.first_name", "<>", "a", "", "or", "toggle" => false],
                        ["employees.first_name", "nin", "a,b,c", "", "or"],
                        ["employees.first_name", "ctn", "a", "", "or"],
                    "groups" => [
                            "field" => "check_details.id",
                            "aggregate" => "sum",
                            "toggle" => true
                    "havings" => [
                            "operator" => ">",
                            "value1" => "10000",
                            "value2" => "",
                            "logic" => "and",
                            "toggle" => true,
                        ["check_details.check_number", "<>", "a", "", "or", "toggle" => false],
                    "sorts" => [
                            "field" => "sum(payroll_entries.salary)",
                            "direction" => "desc",
                            "toggle" => true
                        ["employees.first_name", "desc", "toggle" => false]
                    "limit" => [
                        "offset" => 5,
                        "limit" => 10,
                        "toggle" => false,
                "activeTab" => "filters",

            <button type='submit' class='btn btn-success' >Submit</button>

                pre {
                    overflow-x: auto;
                    white-space: pre-wrap;
                    white-space: -moz-pre-wrap;
                    white-space: -pre-wrap;
                    white-space: -o-pre-wrap;
                    word-wrap: break-word;


        "name" => "charttable1",
        "plugins" => ["Buttons"],
        "dataSource" => $this->dataStore('checks_by_emp'),
        "themeBase"=>"bs4", // Optional option to work with Bootsrap 4
            "table"=>"table table-striped table-bordered"
        "columns" => [


        "options" => [
            "paging" => true,
            "dom" => 'Bfrtip',
            "buttons" => [
                "copy", "csv", "excel", "pdf", "print", "colvis"
            "fastRender" => true,
         "searchOnEnter" => true,
        "searchMode" => "or",
Head commented on Nov 1, 2021

report.php FILE

use \koolreport\querybuilder\DB;
use \koolreport\visualquery\Bindable;

class CheckReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    use \koolreport\laravel\Friendship;
    use \koolreport\visualquery\Bindable;

    public function defineSchemas()
        return [
            "salesSchema" => array(
                "tables" => [
                        "{meta}" => [
                            "alias" => "Table Check Details"
                            "alias"=>"Check Number",
                            "alias"=>"Check Date",
                            "type" => "date",
                        "checkDay" => array(
                            "alias" => "Check Day",
                            "expression" => "date(check_date)",
                            "type" => "date",
                        "checkMonth" => [
                            "expression" => "month(check_date)",
                        "{meta}" => [
                            "alias" => "Table Employees"
                            "alias"=>"First name"
                            "alias"=>"Last name"

                        // "customerNumber"=>array(
                        //    "alias"=>"Customer Number"
                        // )

                "relations" => [
                    ["check_details.employee_id", "leftjoin", "employees.id"],
               //     ["orders.orderNumber", "join", "orderdetails.orderNumber"],
                //    ["orderdetails.productCode", "leftjoin", "products.productCode"],
            "separator" => ".",

    function setup()

        $params = \koolreport\core\Utility::get($this->queryParams, 'vq');
        $qb = $this->paramsToQueryBuilder($params);
        $this->queryStr = $params ? $qb->toMySQL() :   DB::table("check_details")
            ->join('companies', 'check_details.employer_id', 'companies.id')
            ->join('employees', 'check_details.employee_id', 'employees.id')
            ->join('jobsites', 'check_details.jobsite_id', 'jobsites.id')
            ->join('payroll_entries', 'check_details.lts_id', 'payroll_entries.id')
            ->join('payroll_lts_atf_imports', 'payroll_lts_atf_imports.id', 'payroll_entries.pla_import_id')
            ->leftJoin('employee_bank_details', 'employee_bank_details.employee_id', 'employees.id')
            ->join('pay_periods', 'pay_periods.id', 'payroll_entries.pay_period_id')
            ->join('invoices', 'invoices.pay_period_id', 'payroll_entries.pay_period_id')
            ->join('customer_invoice_templates', 'customer_invoice_templates.id', 'invoices.customer_invoice_template_id')
            ->select('check_details.check_number', 'employees.social_security_number', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'companies.company_name'
                , 'jobsites.name as jobsite_name', 'payroll_entries.check_date', 'employees.pay_frequency', 'payroll_entries.pay_period_begin_date'
                , 'payroll_entries.pay_period_end_date','check_details.type as beneficial_type'
                , 'payroll_entries.salary','payroll_entries.pay_period_id','payroll_lts_atf_imports.import_process_type'
                , 'invoices.invoice_number', 'invoices.status as invoice_status', 'invoices.customer_invoice_template_id'
                , 'invoices.due_date', 'invoices.check_date as invoice_check_date', 'employee_bank_details.deposit_type'
                , 'employee_bank_details.bank_name', 'employee_bank_details.bank_account_no', 'customer_invoice_templates.template_name')
        $this->paramQuery = $params ? $qb->toMySQL(['useSQLParams' => "name"]) :   DB::table("check_details")
            ->join('companies', 'check_details.employer_id', 'companies.id')
            ->join('employees', 'check_details.employee_id', 'employees.id')
            ->join('jobsites', 'check_details.jobsite_id', 'jobsites.id')
            ->join('payroll_entries', 'check_details.lts_id', 'payroll_entries.id')
            ->join('payroll_lts_atf_imports', 'payroll_lts_atf_imports.id', 'payroll_entries.pla_import_id')
            ->leftJoin('employee_bank_details', 'employee_bank_details.employee_id', 'employees.id')
            ->join('pay_periods', 'pay_periods.id', 'payroll_entries.pay_period_id')
            ->join('invoices', 'invoices.pay_period_id', 'payroll_entries.pay_period_id')
            ->join('customer_invoice_templates', 'customer_invoice_templates.id', 'invoices.customer_invoice_template_id')
            ->select('check_details.check_number', 'employees.social_security_number', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'companies.company_name'
                , 'jobsites.name as jobsite_name', 'payroll_entries.check_date', 'employees.pay_frequency', 'payroll_entries.pay_period_begin_date'
                , 'payroll_entries.pay_period_end_date','check_details.type as beneficial_type'
                , 'payroll_entries.salary','payroll_entries.pay_period_id','payroll_lts_atf_imports.import_process_type'
                , 'invoices.invoice_number', 'invoices.status as invoice_status', 'invoices.customer_invoice_template_id'
                , 'invoices.due_date', 'invoices.check_date as invoice_check_date', 'employee_bank_details.deposit_type'
                , 'employee_bank_details.bank_name', 'employee_bank_details.bank_account_no', 'customer_invoice_templates.template_name')
        $this->sqlParams = $qb->getSQLParams();

            ->params($this->sqlParams)->pipe(new \koolreport\processes\ColumnMeta([
                "check_number" => [
                    "type" => "string"
                "checkMonth" => [
                    "type" => "string"

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 2, 2021

Pls go to your visualquery report page, open dev tool (F12), click tab JS then reload/refresh the page to see if the file visualquery.js is loaded (its line is black). If it's not loaded (its line would be red) then check its url path and let us know. Tks,

Head commented on Nov 2, 2021

I have already included visualquery.js and url path is correct all js are loaded.

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 2, 2021

Can you pls describe steps that lead to the error as well as print a screenshot of the error message in browser consosle. Tks,

Head commented on Nov 2, 2021

I want using for filtering grouping and sorting used by visualquery package but its not working i found below error

Uncaught ReferenceError: vq is not defined

at HTMLButtonElement.onclick

Head commented on Nov 2, 2021

It is good to me if you provide is one example to that runs filter. For Filter I included js visualquery.js and giving me error of undefined "vq". Do I need to add other js along with this. Please guide us here.

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 3, 2021

Pls post screenshots of your web page and the console error. Tks,

Head commented on Nov 3, 2021

I have already share code

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 3, 2021

Pls remove all "filters", "groups", "havings", "sorts", and "limit" from your VisualQuery widget and see if clicking Add filter button still results in error.

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021


I have remove all "filters", "groups", "havings", "sorts", and "limit" from your VisualQuery widget but generate the same problem as not define "vq"

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 2, 2021

Can you pls try to use our standard visualquery example's source code and let us know the result:


Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

Hi I have followed the same process as discuss on above replies but still it showing me the same error.

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 2, 2021

Pls post a screenshot of the standard visualquery report you implemented and errors in your browser's console. Tks,

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

Please provide me the valid solution for the visual reports as i have used the previously provided link but not worked

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 2, 2021

The standard visualquery example is a good starting point. If you have a problem running it we need to know why. Therefore we ask for screenshots of that example running in your enrivonment.

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

Actually i have already provided the snap shot and code structure on above replies you can rectified the issue from there and please let me know on which stage i am doing wrong.

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

Above error is showing to me on my browser console. is there any js or anything need to add for this ?

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 2, 2021

You provided screenshots of your own visualquery report. I could not guess from viewing those alone what was wrong. That's why I asked for screenshots of our standard visualquery example in your environment.

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 2, 2021

Pls include screenshots of the visualquery example's tabs, not just browser's console.

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

is this work for you ?

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

While click on the error console it shows me the below error on source.

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 2, 2021

I'm not seeing the initial tables "Orders", "Order Details", "Products". Are you sure you have those tables defined in the VisualQuery widget and they exists in your database?

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

By Sharing screen it will be possible to rectified the issue ?

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 2, 2021

Anyway, after checking your schema I see that you had this relation:

                "relations" => [
                    ["check_details.employee_id", "leftjoin", "employees.id"],

But in your tables' schema there's no "employee_id" field for table "check_details". Similarly, not field "id" for table "employees". Using fields not defined in table schema could lead to an error.

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

Can we have a schedule a meeting on microsoft teams so the issue will rectified and resolved.

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

Actually i have tried based on your previous reply but not work for me.

Head commented on Dec 2, 2021

We really need you help at this point, we are stuck to use tool and loosing hope.

I am ready for the screen share session to move forward quickly. Here is my email address divya.bhalodiya@rigelnetworks.com & direct call - +919998790072

Awaiting from your prompt response

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 3, 2021

Pls send an email to support@koolreport.com / support@koolphp.net. We can arrange a remote desktop connection session via Anydesk to help you find a solution. Tks,

Head commented on Dec 3, 2021

Thank you for quick response.

I sent you detail at support@koolreport.com / support@koolphp.net and awaiting from your response.

Head commented on Dec 3, 2021


This is mine anydesk id "877 428 940" please let me know when you are available for the meeting

Head commented on Dec 6, 2021


I got a error while submit the kool report can you please help me out on this by sharing screen on any desk

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 6, 2021

Pls open your browser's dev tool, tab Source (Chrome) or Debugger (Firefox), choose page checkReports then go to line 1508 to see the line that causes this error and copy and post the line text (not screenshot) for us to check it. Tks,

Head commented on Dec 6, 2021

Uncaught TypeError: $.fn.dataTable is undefined

   $.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = function ( settings, helpPage, message ) {
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 3000);
Head commented on Dec 6, 2021


I got a error while reload page the kool report can you please help me out on this by sharing screen on any desk

$.fn.dataTable.ext.errMode = function ( settings, helpPage, message ) {

setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000);
Head commented on Dec 6, 2021

We really need you to help at this point, we are stuck to using tool and losing hope. We dropped message/email to support as well.

I am ready for the screen share session to move forward quickly. Here is my email address divya.bhalodiya@rigelnetworks.com & direct call - +919998790072

Awaiting from your prompt response

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