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Basic Dashboard runs with v1.3.1 but not in v2.0 #2395

Closed Niall McGuirk opened this topic on on Oct 15, 2021 - 4 comments

Niall McGuirk commented on Oct 15, 2021

I tried creating a test dashboard using Dashboard v1.3.1, but couldn't use inputs. So updated to v2.0. But, the basic dashboard does not run at all when i use the dashboard 2.0 folder in Kool reports.

When using the same dashboard, which simply displays two tables, in v1.3.1 it is possible to change between two Boards and display the contents. However, when using the v2.0 dashboard file, it loads the first page, but changing Board prompts a loading icon to appear and no other page change occurs, no does it load after any amount of time.

Screenshot showing loading icon when attempting to select Dealhack Board

KoolReport commented on Oct 15, 2021

If you updated to Dasboard 2.0, have you updated the KoolReport Pro to 5.7.1 as well?

Niall McGuirk commented on Oct 18, 2021

Thanks for the response. No, but I will do so and get back to you.

Niall McGuirk commented on Oct 19, 2021

I've updated the koolreports Pro to the latest 5.7.1, and the dashboard to 2.0. This seems to have fixed the infinite loading icon problem. But I still can't run the inputs example, as it still causes a 'Something went wrong' error. However the dashboard demo does run locally. Is it possible to alter the demo to run my data, by removing and altering the files?

I just want to check as there is a get request in the URL when I navigate the demo dashboard:

What is this used for/by? Would it make it difficult to alter to show my data?

KoolReport commented on Oct 22, 2021

Better, you turn on debug mode:

class App extends Application
    protected function onCreated()

This will help to show in detail what went wrong.

Second, the kdr (stand for KoolReport Dashboard Request) is important to locate dashboard. This kdr is auto generated and does not affect anything.

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