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Tailwind CSS #2385

Closed BrentNJ opened this topic on on Oct 12, 2021 - 3 comments

BrentNJ commented on Oct 12, 2021


Following the Laravel example at https://www.koolreport.com/docs/laravel/overview/ I have a test table showing within a current Laravel view.

That test table displays the data but no style. I can't use use \koolreport\clients\Bootstrap; because of conflicts with Tailwind.

How can I style a table with Tailwind?


Sebastian Morales commented on Oct 13, 2021

Pls try to set Tailwind's table css classes for the Table/DataTables widget with their "cssClass" property:



Hope it works for your case.

BrentNJ commented on Oct 13, 2021

Thank you, I can see the test styles now

With Pro version, please confirm similar capabilities exist for Pivot Table

I see that this css is loaded, do I need to keep it?

``` div.koolphp-table ul.pagination { margin-top:0px; } div.koolphp-table td.dup { display: none; } tr.row-group { background:#eee; } ```
Sebastian Morales commented on Oct 14, 2021

Yes, the "cssClass" property exists for PivotTable widget as well:


If you use another CSS framework like Tailwind you might still still need Table widget's own css file for some special classes that Tailwind doesn't cover. In any case you can always override Table's css rule with your in-page styles. Rgds,

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