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Starting Dashboard Error: missing vendor folder #2375

Closed Niall McGuirk opened this topic on on Oct 7, 2021 - 3 comments

Niall McGuirk commented on Oct 7, 2021

I've followed the quickstart tutorial for Dashboard, creating the index.php and other files. However, when I try to load it in the broswer if gives me the following error:

I looked and can't find the vendor folder in my file system, which it says is required in the index.php

code from Dashboard index.php

require_once  "vendor/autoload.php"; //Load library
require_once "App.php";
KoolReport commented on Oct 8, 2021

You need to install "koolreport/dashboard" with composer, the folder vendor will be created and koolreport pro and dashboard will be installed into vendor folder.

Niall McGuirk commented on Oct 8, 2021

Does this require downloading composer separately, or just adding the Token to the auth.json, then it works? Also, What directory should the auth.json be place in, as it doesn't appear in the Dashboard directory, in the guide?

├── vendor
│   └── koolreport
├── composer.json
├── index.php
├── App.php
├── PaymentBoard.php
├── PaymentTable.php
└── AutoMaker.php
Niall McGuirk commented on Oct 8, 2021

UPDATE: I've installed composer, placed the token into the auth.json file, in the same directory as the composer.json in examples as well as in the folder itself. It still shows the same error, and no vendor file is present. What command do I run in the composer to create the vendor folder?

auth.json and Composer.json present in dashboard report folder

Auth.json in examples, with composer.json

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