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Entry data on koolreport using input controls #2369

Closed saiful opened this topic on on Oct 4, 2021 - 3 comments

saiful commented on Oct 4, 2021

hello, is it possible to input or entry data using input components in koolreport?

Sebastian Morales commented on Oct 4, 2021

Pls explain your case in more details so that we have a clearer view of what you want to achieve. Rgds,

saiful commented on Oct 4, 2021

i want to use inputs packages (mostly textbox) to send some values to server, such as common forms with validation input type like email or number.

Sebastian Morales commented on Oct 5, 2021

Yes, you can totally use the Inputs control to pass input values for entries. But Inputs package doesn't have validation yet. You would have to validate the values yourself. We will consider adding both client-side and server-side validation for the Inputs package in the future. Rgds,

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