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Error with footer text when exporting Table to Excel #2333

Closed Javier Córdova opened this topic on on Sep 10, 2021 - 2 comments

Javier Córdova commented on Sep 10, 2021

Hi everyone, I have a question, I am using the koolreport pro 5.7.1 package and I am trying to export a table with the footer, but I am having the problem that when exporting it shows the column title instead of the corresponding sum.


Please your kind help!

Sebastian Morales commented on Sep 13, 2021

We confirm this is a bug with Excel Table's footer and will fix it in the next release of Excel package or KoolReport Pro. Meanwhile you could apply a fix with either of these methods:

1 . Use a footer "map" for the Excel Table:

    "columns" => array(...),
    "map" => array(
        "footer" => function($colName, $footerValue) { return $footerValue; },

2 . Open the file koolreport/excel/TableBuilder.php and replace this line:

    $value = Util::map($map, $args, $label);

with this one:

    $value = Util::map($map, $args, empty($footerValue) ? $label : $footerValue);

Let us know if these works for you or not. Tks,

Javier Córdova commented on Sep 28, 2021

Thank you Sebastián for your response, I have solved it using "map" thank you very much.

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