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Sort by date question #2308

Open Mathieu Viennet opened this topic on on Aug 28, 2021 - 11 comments

Mathieu Viennet commented on Aug 28, 2021

Hi everyone!

I'm new to KoolReport and i'm using the KoolReport Dashboard.

I'm following the example of Payments (in the Dashboard demo)

I'm building a simple widget of sales amount by date.

I want the data to be grouped by day. But, since since the date is stored in MySQL as DATETIME (0000-00-00 00:00:00) it doesn't add up the sales amount in a day, everything is separated...

How can i convert the date so the sales are grouped by day?

Here's my code (based on the PAYMENTS example in the dashboard demo):


use \koolreport\dashboard\widgets\google\ColumnChart;
use \koolreport\dashboard\fields\Text;
use \koolreport\dashboard\fields\DateTime;
use \koolreport\dashboard\fields\Currency;
use \koolreport\processes\Limit;
use \koolreport\processes\DateTimeFormat;

class TransactionsByDate extends ColumnChart
    protected function onInit()
            ->title("Payment By Date")
    protected function dataSource()
        //Get value from the date range picker
        $range = $this->sibling("TransactionsDateRange")->value();
        //Apply to query

        return Incognito::table("wp_wc_order_stats")


    protected function fields()
        return [



Thanks for your help!

KoolReport commented on Aug 28, 2021

You need to convert your date_created to date format before grouping:

        return Incognito::table("wp_wc_order_stats")
                ->selectRaw("DATE(date_created) AS dateOnly")

and in the fields(), you use Date for dateOnly

        return [



Hope that helps.

Mathieu Viennet commented on Aug 28, 2021

Wow thank you very much! Works fine!

Mathieu Viennet commented on Aug 28, 2021

If i have other questions concerning dates, should i continue writing in this thread of start a new topic? Thanks!

KoolReport commented on Aug 28, 2021

Better you create new topic, title it to reflect the issue that you face

Mathieu Viennet commented on Aug 29, 2021

Hi again,

the Chart widget works fine...but when i create the Table (with the same query) I get :

Query Error >> [Unknown column 'myDate' in 'group statement'] >> SELECT COUNT(1) FROM wp_wc_order_stats WHERE (date_created >= '2021-08-01 00:00:00' AND date_created <= '2021-08-31 23:59:59') GROUP BY myDate Line: 433 File: /home/ardecom/public_html/reports/koolreport/core/src/datasources/PdoDataSource.php

My code:


use \koolreport\dashboard\widgets\Table;
use \koolreport\dashboard\fields\Text;
use \koolreport\dashboard\fields\Date;
use \koolreport\dashboard\fields\Currency;

class TransactionsTable extends Table

    protected function dataSource()
        //Get value from the date range picker
        $range = $this->sibling("TransactionsDateRange")->value();
        //Apply to query

        return Incognito::table("wp_wc_order_stats")
                ->selectRaw("DATE(date_created) AS myDate")


    protected function fields()
        return [



Thanks for helping!

KoolReport commented on Aug 29, 2021

This is an known issue that the fix will be available in next version ( we have fixed), for this case you just use the raw query

        DATE(date_created) AS myDate,
        SUM(net_total) AS dayAmount
    from wp_wc_order_stats
    where date_created>'".$range[0]."' and date_created<'".$range[1]."'
    group by myDate

We are very sorry for this inconvenience.

Mathieu Viennet commented on Aug 29, 2021

Thank you again for the fast reply!

Mathieu Viennet commented on Aug 29, 2021

Me again! I started another report type, and anmopther problem with dates!

The date i'm getting now is in UNIX TIMESTAMP, i'm converting it, but now i get on the column chart :

Data column(s) for axis #0 cannot be of type string

Here's my code (the SQL seems correct because it works as a TABLE view) :

protected function dataSource()
        //Get value from the date range picker
        $range = $this->sibling("TransactionsDateRange")->value();
        //Apply to query

        return Incognito::rawSQL("
		COUNT(*) AS countTrans, DATE(FROM_UNIXTIME(meta_value)) AS dateOnly
        FROM wp_postmeta
        WHERE meta_key = '_wcpdf_invoice_date'
        	AND FROM_UNIXTIME(meta_value) >'".$range[0]."' and FROM_UNIXTIME(meta_value)<'".$range[1]."'
		group by dateOnly


    protected function fields()
        return [


Board :


use \koolreport\dashboard\Dashboard;
use \koolreport\dashboard\containers\Row;
use \koolreport\dashboard\containers\Panel;
use \koolreport\dashboard\widgets\Text;

class TransactionsBoard extends Dashboard
    protected function widgets()
        return [
KoolReport commented on Aug 29, 2021

You use Number instead of Text for countTrans

Mathieu Viennet commented on Aug 29, 2021

Wow OK...it now works...quite the learning curve for me!

Please tell me, is there any more efficient way for me to debug such things?

Right now, in my index.php i'm using App::create()->debugMode(true)->run();

Thank you!!!!! :)

KoolReport commented on Aug 29, 2021

That's great that you use debugMode(true), it will show you error for php. However this issue is related to client-side, specifically ColumnChart of Google requires the second column should be number, not string. That's why you should use the Number instead of Text. No worry, we will help you to overcome the learning curve :)

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