I have created a report with pivottable. However I'm trying to do some formatting like I do with normal table. But it looks like things like prefix are not working
->pipe(new ColumnMeta(array(
"prefix" => "TEST-",
->pipe(new Pivot(array(
"dimensions" => array(
"column" => "resultdate",
"row" => "parentparentcompany,parentcompany, maincompany, kioskname"
"count" => "tblresultid"
In the case above I would expect to have "TEST-<value>" in the table.
In the view I'm using this:
From which I would expect to see the value in bold.
Apart from that I'm trying to change the design of the pivot table. For example bold headers, each row in different color etc. But it looks like cssStyle is not available pivot. Is that correct?