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Row to column #223

Open michelp opened this topic on on Feb 28, 2018 - 6 comments

michelp commented on Feb 28, 2018


I have generated this report:

However, I want to have the periods on top, so that you can get something like this:

How can I do this? Should I use transpose or cube for this?

KoolReport commented on Feb 28, 2018

Please use the Cube process. Here is the documentation.

michelp commented on Feb 28, 2018

Great, thanks

I managed to get all data in my report that I wanted. However I have a strange sorting issue. However, the periodes are not sorted correctly. 2017-3 is in the wrong place

            ->query("Select companyname,companyparentid, tblresultid, DATE_FORMAT(tblresultdatetime,'%Y-%m-%d') as resultdate from ci_wizard_results  LEFT JOIN ci_kiosks on ci_wizard_results.tblresultkioskname = ci_kiosks.kioskname LEFT JOIN ci_companies on ci_kiosks.kioskcompanyid = ci_companies.companyid WHERE `tblresultdatetime` >= DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL -1 YEAR),'%Y-%m-%d') AND companyname <> ''")
            ->pipe(new Sort(array(

            ->pipe(new TimeBucket(array(

            ->pipe(new Cube(array(
            ->pipe(new ColumnMeta(array(
            ->pipe(new ColumnMeta(array(


KoolReport commented on Feb 28, 2018

Please use the ColumnSort to sort column by name


->pipe(new ColumnsSort(array(
michelp commented on Feb 28, 2018


Can I exclude the company and total columns from the sorting? Because this causes:

michelp commented on Feb 28, 2018

ok, solved this by adding names to company & total columns and naming them A & B :)

What I am wondering if I can add a total row as well, of the columns above?

So a row that would show 12 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 5

KoolReport commented on Mar 1, 2018

Yes, you can, please use the "footer" of table. Please check the Aggregated Footer in Table documentation.

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