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How to customize the DonutChart #2224

Closed Komuraiah A opened this topic on on Jul 22, 2021 - 4 comments

Komuraiah A commented on Jul 22, 2021

Dear Team, I have implemented DonutChart in my report but I need to do some customize changes to that.

  1. I need to code the format of the value to change the colour of the DonutChart based on the score which I am fetching from the database.

  2. I need to display the score data under the label which is present inside the DonutChart.

  3. Is it possible to take only one column for the DonutChart.

Komuraiah A commented on Jul 26, 2021

Dear Team, I have implemented DonutChart in my report but I need to do some customize changes to that.

  1. I need to code the "format value" to change the colour of the DonutChart based on the score which I need to fetch from the database.

  2. I need to populate the score data below the title which is present inside the DonutChart.

  3. Is it possible to take only one column of data instead of multiple columns for the DonutChart.

Komuraiah A commented on Jul 26, 2021

Dear Team, I have implemented DonutChart in my report but I need to do some customize changes to that.

  1. I need to code the "format value" to change the colour of the DonutChart based on the score which I need to fetch from the database.

  2. I need to populate the score data below the title which is present inside the DonutChart.

  3. Is it possible to take only one column of data instead of multiple columns for the DonutChart.

Komuraiah A commented on Jul 26, 2021

Dear Team, I have implemented DonutChart in my report but I need to do some customize changes to that.

  1. I need to code the "format value" to change the colour of the DonutChart based on the score which I need to fetch from the database.

  2. I need to populate the score data below the title which is present inside the DonutChart.

  3. Is it possible to take only one column of data instead of multiple columns for the DonutChart.

Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 27, 2021

All of our chart widgets have a property called "colorScheme" which is an array of colors. Get your chart's values from your database and use them to decide the chart's "colorScheme" array. Rgds,

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