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Geo Chart #2213

Open Sylvie Rougnon-Glasson opened this topic on on Jul 19, 2021 - 1 comments

Sylvie Rougnon-Glasson commented on Jul 19, 2021

Bonjour Je n'arrive pas à mettre afficher les résultats de ma requête dans le GEOCHART. Voici mes codes KoolReport_RepondantDansMonde.php____ <?php

Répondants par pays

require_once "load.koolreport.php";

use \koolreport\core\src\processes\CalculatedColumn; use \koolreport\core\src\processes\ColumnMeta; use \koolreport\core\src\KoolReport; use \koolreport\core\src\processes\Custom;

require_once 'config.php'; global $db_host; global $db_database; global $db_user; global $db_pass; $_ENV['DB_HOST']=$db_host; $_ENV['DB_DATABASE']=$db_database; $_ENV['DB_USERNAME']=$db_user; $_ENV['DB_PASSWORD']=$db_pass;

class KoolReport_RepondantDansMonde extends KoolReport { function settings() {

    return array(
	            "connectionString"=>"mysql:host=" . $_ENV['DB_HOST'] . ";dbname=" . $_ENV['DB_DATABASE'],


public function setup()
        SELECT t_pays.LibAnglais as LibPays, Count(DISTINCT IdRepondant) as NbRepondants FROM t_data_koolreport INNER JOIN t_pays ON t_pays.IdPays=t_data_koolreport.Pays GROUP BY LibPays


$report = new KoolReport_RepondantDansMonde; $report->run()->render();

__KoolReport_RepondantDansMonde.view.php__ <?php

Répondants par pays

use \koolreport\core\src\widgets\koolphp\Table; use \koolreport\core\src\widgets\google\Map; use \koolreport\inputs\Select2; use \koolreport\core\src\clients\Bootstrap;
use \koolreport\inputs\DateRangePicker;

?> <div class="report-container">

<div class="text-center">
    <h1 style="color:#00659A;font-size:calc(0.32 * 10vmin);font-weight:500">Nombre de répondants par pays</h1>

<div style="margin-bottom:50px;">
	        	"title"=>"World Polulation 2016",
			    "mapsApiKey" => "XXX",
			        "displayMode" => 'markers',
			        "colorAxis" => ["colors"=> ['green', 'blue']]
        <div class="alert alert-warning">
            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign"></i> Lo sentimos. No hay datos para mostrar en las fechas seleccionadas.


Sebastian Morales commented on Jul 21, 2021

Are you able to run KoolReport's GeoChart example on your local server:


You could find this example in our KoolReport and Example package or copy this example code to your local server. Tks,

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