I'm trying to use a select input box to select data for a card by SQL. So I need to use the Input variable in the SQL query of the Card value.
I need to use the Dropdown Search bar value as a Where clause for the YearMonth clause that the Card value uses. How do I use a variable within an SQL statement?
Individual Card Creation Code
"value"=>$this->src("delv_kpi")->query("SELECT MetricValue FROM tbl_KPIMetrics where Client='DELV' and YearMonth=DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), '%y%m') and MetricID=1"),
"baseValue"=>$this->src("delv_kpi")->query("SELECT MetricValue FROM tbl_KPIMetrics where Client='DELV' and YearMonth=DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL -1 MONTH), '%y%m') and MetricID=1"),
"title"=>"New Clients Acquired",
Drop Down Creation code
//DropDown which lists Year/Months
Select Distinct YearMonth from tbl_kpimetrics "),