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Documentation for export module? #2077

Open Jeremy Gray opened this topic on on May 12, 2021 - 1 comments

Jeremy Gray commented on May 12, 2021

Is there documentation somewhere that I have missed? Not usage examples, but documentation on each module, or at least the export module? What is the underlying library used for this? fpdf? tcpdf? wkhtmltopdf?

i.e. for the export module, is there a list of all values that can be passed to 'pdf' somewhere?

like so far, ____from examples.... I know I can pass these 2


and I can also set


which is the current pagenum.... but what about total pages in the document? so I can write {pageNum} of {pageNumTotal} (or whatever it is)

Sebastian Morales commented on May 13, 2021

For the Export package we use PhantomJS as the headless browser to render report pages to PDF. Here's a list of its pdf setting:


For the CloudExport package, we have headless chromium, wkhtmltopdf, and PhantomJS engines.

Regarding your other point, in Export package the total number of pages in header/footer could be inserted by using {numPages}.

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