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How to encrypt and decrypt the values passed in the url #2051

Closed Abhishek opened this topic on on May 3, 2021 - 2 comments

Abhishek commented on May 3, 2021

Dear Team, I have a problem with of how to encrypt and decrypt the values passed in the url

url code:

return "<a  href='abc.php?employeeFirstName=" . $row['employeeFirstName']. $branchString." & start=" . $this->params["dateRange"][0] . " & end=" . $this->params["dateRange"][1] . "'target=\"subreport\">$value</a>";

encrypt code:

return "<a  href=performanceenquiryindex.php?employeeFirstName=$encryptId1.$encryptId2&start=$encryptId3&end=$encryptId4 target=\'subreport\'>$value</a>";


$Abc= new abc([

Abhishek commented on May 4, 2021

Dear Team, In the previous post I have asked you you pass the values from main report to sub report and for that you have provided solution for me and I have done with it. And below is the link of the previous post.

And now could you please help me on you should I pass those values by encrypt and how do I decrypt it in my sub reports. And above is the code which I have tried to achieve the concept but could not.

So could you please help me on how to encrypt and decrypt those values.

KoolReport commented on May 4, 2021

To make thing simple, you do this:

(1) In the formatValue function, you do:

$data = base64_encode(json_encode([

return "<a href='performanceenquiryindex.php?data=$data'>Details</a>";

(2) In the performanceenquiryindex.php, you do:

$data = json_decode(base64_decode($_GET["data"]),true);

$report = new performanceenquiry($data);

(3) Inside performanceenquiry class you can check params:


You can see if you have "employeeFirstName", "brnchName", "start" and "end" date.

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