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Default option and refreshing of report #2011

Open Abhishek opened this topic on on Apr 3, 2021 - 2 comments

Abhishek commented on Apr 3, 2021

Dear Team, I have an issue with the report that is when I am submitting my report the page is getting refresh so how to code for not getting refresh/reload the page. And other issue is how to make one of the radio button as default/checked option for no binding data report format. please help me. I need to submit my report to client today at any cost.

Abhishek commented on Apr 3, 2021

Dear Team, Please kindly provide me an solution of how to prevent my report for getting refresh after submitting the form and how to set a one radio as default option for no binding of data format of radio list.

Abhishek commented on Apr 3, 2021

Dear Team, Please kindly provide me an solution of how to prevent my report for getting refresh after submitting the form and how to set a one radio as default option for no binding of data format of radio list.

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