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Open Matt Gorecki opened this topic on on Mar 26, 2021 - 1 comments

Matt Gorecki commented on Mar 26, 2021

Can someone please contact me? I have been working on this software for a while to try and get it setup to show the CEO for purchasing; however, I can't get it working.

1) is there a difference between the paid version and the open-source? 2) I have followed at least 4 sets of instructions found online and each shows:

  • Different directory structures
  • Different ways to configure PHP to access MS SQL on another server
  • etc...

I need to be able to show that this can/will connect to our SQL server In order to justify purchasing the different software, dashboard, and modules that we need.

Please contact me ASAP (my email should be on my account)

KoolReport commented on Mar 29, 2021

Hi Matt,

Thank you for your interest in our product. For your questions:

  1. The paid version is added more than 20 add-ons to open-source version.
  2. The directory structure is not important, as long as you require the "/koolreport/core/autoload.php" to your php file. To connect to SQL Server, you do:
class MyReport extends \koolreport\KoolReport
    protected function settings()
        return [

Hope that helps.

Let me know if you need further assistance.

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