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Symfony example don't work #1893

Closed Epitello opened this topic on on Feb 2, 2021 - 5 comments

Epitello commented on Feb 2, 2021

Hello, i have follow all the steps of your tuto but my twig template return this :

Epitello commented on Feb 2, 2021

i have exactly the same code as your exemple

KoolReport commented on Feb 3, 2021

That's strange issue. Could you please post the webpage source-code for us.

Epitello commented on Feb 3, 2021

the source code :

        <title>Render KoolReport inside Twig Template</title>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://gc.kis.v2.scr.kaspersky-labs.com/FD126C42-EBFA-4E12-B309-BB3FDD723AC1/main.js?attr=FIwt5IPP1WsSpbXAe30K578_D7L0Sq_a0AilIOlV6-O7qmptzAywBRqhZVWrbSfD" charset="UTF-8"></script></head>
        <h1>Render KoolReport inside Twig Template</h1>
        <script type='text/javascript' src='/koolreport_assets/3854444113/KoolReport.js'></script><krwidget widget-name='gchart601a59eb9e0dc1' widget-type='koolreport/widgets/google/PieChart'><div id="gchart601a59eb9e0dc1" style="width:100%;height:400px;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
        gchart601a59eb9e0dc1 = new KoolReport.google.chart("PieChart","gchart601a59eb9e0dc1",["category","amount"],[["category","amount"],["Computers",{"v":50,"f":"50"}],["Laptops",{"v":30,"f":"30"}],["Tablets",{"v":100,"f":"100"}],["Phones",{"v":150,"f":"150"}]],[],{"package":"corechart","stability":"current","mapsApiKey":""});
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                   var url = arguments[0];                    var params = arguments[1];                    var paramType = Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[0]);                    if (paramType === '[object Request]') {                        url = arguments[0].url;                        params = {                            method: arguments[0].method,                            credentials: arguments[0].credentials,                            headers: arguments[0].headers,                            mode: arguments[0].mode,                            redirect: arguments[0].redirect                        };                    } else {                        url = String(url);                    }                    if (!url.match(new RegExp("^\/((index|app(_[\\w]+)?)\\.php\/)?_wdt"))) {                        var method = 'GET';                        if (params && params.method !== undefined) {                            method = params.method;                        }                        var stackElement = {                            error: false,                            url: url,                            method: method,                            type: 'fetch',                            start: new Date()                        }; 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},                        '',                        options                    );                }                return this;            },            loadToolbar: function(token, newToken) {                newToken = (newToken || token);                this.load(                    'sfwdt' + token,                    'http\u003A\/\/\u003A8000\/_wdt\/xxxxxx'.replace(/xxxxxx/, newToken),                    function(xhr, el) {                        /* Evaluate in global scope scripts embedded inside the toolbar */                        var i, scripts = [].slice.call(el.querySelectorAll('script'));                        for (i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) {                            eval.call({}, scripts[i].firstChild.nodeValue);                        }                        el.style.display = -1 !== xhr.responseText.indexOf('sf-toolbarreset') ? 'block' : 'none';                        if (el.style.display == 'none') {                            return;                        }                        if (getPreference('toolbar/displayState') == 'none') {                            document.getElementById('sfToolbarMainContent-' + newToken).style.display = 'none';                            document.getElementById('sfToolbarClearer-' + newToken).style.display = 'none';                            document.getElementById('sfMiniToolbar-' + newToken).style.display = 'block';                        } else {                            document.getElementById('sfToolbarMainContent-' + newToken).style.display = 'block';                            document.getElementById('sfToolbarClearer-' + newToken).style.display = 'block';                            document.getElementById('sfMiniToolbar-' + newToken).style.display = 'none';                        }                        /* Handle toolbar-info position */                        var toolbarBlocks = [].slice.call(el.querySelectorAll('.sf-toolbar-block')); 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Epitello commented on Feb 3, 2021

I have solve my problem, it works's when i replace this :


by this :

KoolReport commented on Feb 3, 2021

Oh that's great. But I also submitted this case to dev.team as I still do not understand why the direct array is not working.

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