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Summary within a datastore #1869

Open Richb201 opened this topic on on Jan 25, 2021 - 2 comments

Richb201 commented on Jan 25, 2021

I have a datastore:

    "dataStore"=>$this->dataStore("srat")->filter("taxyear","=",$year),  //two years ago
            "footerText"=>"<b>Total Wages Qualified:</b> @value"
        "table"=>"table-bordered table-striped table-hover"

What I'd like to do is show a summary for each of the last 3 years. Can I do this?

Taxyear                                                                                                Qualified_dollars
201604                                                                                                       $300  
201504                                                                                                       $200  
201404                                                                                                       $100

All the data is in a single datastore:

        SELECT taxyear, employee_email, employee_title, cost_center_name, consultant, w2_wages, qualified_dollars
        FROM survey_results_activities_temp
            ->pipe($this->dataStore("srat"))  ;

If you could recommend a way to attack this problem, I'd appreciate that.

KoolReport commented on Jan 27, 2021

Yes of course, you can do this:

$sumSale = $this->dataStore("srat")->filter("taxyear","=",$year)->sum("saleAmount");

So basically you will get total sum of sale for the year you want.

Richb201 commented on Jan 27, 2021

Thanks. I managed to get it working correctly. I'd like to subtotal two separate tables.

For example is there a way to have both these table appear as a single table so I could total the totals? Which in this case would be $301,117? This could be in an additional column called GRAND TOTAL.

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