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Want to create a weburl to export data in excel sheet #1827

Open jyoti opened this topic on on Jan 7, 2021 - 1 comments

jyoti commented on Jan 7, 2021

Hello All,

Our requirement is to export data in excel sheet with weburl of different different school.

Suppose we have 5 schools (A, B, C, D, E) they all have a unique ID, now if I want to export data of school A, for that I want to hit a url and which will export data in excel sheet.

Let me know how it can be possible.

Thanks in advance

Sebastian Morales commented on Jan 8, 2021

Create an export.php page which you could link to like this:


Content of export.php should be:

    require_once "path/to/MyReport.php";
    $defaultSchool = 'A';
    $school = isset($_GET['school']) ? $_GET['school'] : $defaultSchool;
    $report = new MyReport(array(
        "school" => $school

Then MyReport.php:

class MyReport extends koolreport\KoolReport
    function setup()
        $school = $this->params["school"];
        //pull data according to $school

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