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Dashboard AutoMaker: how to union multi query #1790

Open developer opened this topic on on Dec 24, 2020 - 1 comments

developer commented on Dec 24, 2020
$first = AutoMaker::table("fields")->select('field_name')->run;
        return AutoMaker::table("transactions")
                    sum(transactions.net_amount) as net_amount, 
                    sum(transactions.vat_amount) as vat_amount, 
                    sum(transactions.discount) as discount, 
                    sum(transactions.total_amount) total, 
                    sum(transactions.max_factor_qty) qty
                ->where('transactions.status', 3)
                ->where('transactions.transaction_type', '!=',2)

when I run this query getting Message: Undefined property: koolreport\core\DataStore::$type Line: 344 File: demo3\vendor\koolreport\querybuilder\SQL.php

so how could I solve this? any help, please

KoolReport commented on Dec 24, 2020


The simplest way you can do is to use rawSQL() like this:

return AutoMaker::rawSQL("
    any of your query including union

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