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Dual-Y Charts example #1768

Open Alexis Parrón opened this topic on on Dec 16, 2020 - 1 comments

Alexis Parrón commented on Dec 16, 2020


I would like to create a Column Chart with two different Y axis.

Something like this: https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/columnchart#dual-y-charts https://jsfiddle.net/api/post/library/pure/

Is it possible? In that case, could you please provide an example?

Thank you.

KoolReport commented on Jan 7, 2021

You can do like this:

          series: [
            0=> [ 'axis'=> 'distance' ], // Bind series 0 to an axis named 'distance'.
            1=> { 'axis'=> 'brightness' ] // Bind series 1 to an axis named 'bri

Basically all options put into "options" of chart will be passed to google chart library "options"

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