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Is it possible to show HTML tooltip for Google Charts #1766

Open Venom opened this topic on on Dec 16, 2020 - 2 comments

Venom commented on Dec 16, 2020

I want to customize the tooltip format in tooltip option for columns. Instead of showing the plain text, I want to display HTML text.


$totalToolTipFunc = function($row)

    {   $col = $row['count(Quotation Number)'];
        $total = number_format($row['sum(Quotation Total)']);
        return '<b>'.$col.' - $'.$total.'</b>';


        "title"=>"Quotation Report",
            "sum(Quotation Total)"=>array("label"=>"Total",

KoolReport commented on Dec 16, 2020

You add the following options:

Venom commented on Dec 16, 2020

I am not sure that I put the wrong place or not, it could not show the html tool tips.

I have no idea how to setup the tool tips like those in Google Charts Bar Charts with Koolreport, is there any samples for reference? Google Chart Tooltips

      $tooltipFunc = function($row)
        {   $col = $row['sum(Quotation Confirm)'];
            $confirm = number_format($row['sum(Confirm Amount)']);
            return $col.' - $'.$confirm;

        $totalToolTipFunc = function($row)
        {   $col = $row['count(Quotation Number)'];
            $total = number_format($row['sum(Quotation Total)']);
            return '<div>'.$col.' - $'.$total.'</div>';

            "title"=>"Quotation Report",
                "sum(Confirm Amount)"=>array(
                "label"=>"Confirm Amount",
                "sum(Quotation Total)"=>array("label"=>"Total",

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