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Connecting dots in scatter chart (CharJS) #1757

Open Thomas opened this topic on on Dec 10, 2020 - 1 comments

Thomas commented on Dec 10, 2020

I am trying to connect the dots in the scatter chart but don't know how to accomplish that.

I found that (https://jsfiddle.net/p4tyLgme/) example, but how is the syntax within koolreport?

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 14, 2020

Thomas, pls extend the class koolreport/chartjs/ScatterChart, then override the processData method and add some dataset options like this: ` class MyScatterChart extends koolreport/chartjs/ScatterChart {

protected function processData()
    $datasets = array();
    foreach($this->series as $i=>$series)
        $columnKeys = array();
        $dataset = array(
            "label"=>"Series $i",

            "showLine" => true, //add this line and other dataset options like in your jsfiddle example
        foreach($series as $item)
                $dataset = array_merge($dataset,$item);
        $dataset["data"] = array();
        while($row = $this->dataStore->pop())
    return array(

} ` Let us know the result. Cheers,

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