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Exporting ChartJS chart into Base64 image #1709

Closed peter sereny opened this topic on on Nov 12, 2020 - 8 comments

peter sereny commented on Nov 12, 2020


I am trying to export a chart to a Base64 image.

When I am using the following code, I am getting back the image of the table

$data["base64_chart"][0] = $data["report"]->export()->settings(array("resourceWaiting"=>2000))->png(array("width"=>"400px","height"=>"300px"))->toBase64();

When I try to add the PDF view, I am receiving back an empty image

$data["base64_chart"][0] = $data["report"]->export("DoneAndPending.chart")->settings(array("resourceWaiting"=>2000))->png(array("width"=>"400px","height"=>"300px"))->toBase64();

The following is the chart definition

			"label"=>"Done, Pending",
			) //you can write array here to have each column coloured differently :-)
	"options" => array(
				"ticks"=>array(	"fontFamily"=>"'Lato', sans-serif",	"fontSize"=>14, ),
				"ticks"=>array(	"fontFamily"=>"'Lato', sans-serif",	"fontSize"=>14, ),
			"font-family"=>"'Lato', sans-serif"
		"legend"=>array("labels"=>array("fontFamily"=>"'Lato', sans-serif",	"fontSize"=>14,)),
				"label"=>'function (tooltipItem, data) {
						return data.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label +\':\' + tooltipItem.xLabel;
				"title"=>'function(tooltipItems, data) {
					return new Date(tooltipItems[0].yLabel).toLocaleDateString("en-us",{year:\'numeric\', month: \'short\'});

I am using PhantomJS 2.1.1 and KoolReport 4-5-1 package.

Please suggest how to generate a correct image of the chart. Kind regards,

David Winterburn commented on Nov 13, 2020

Hi Peter,

Would you please the following export example on your local/server environment and let us know if the expoted pdf has a chart in it:


peter sereny commented on Nov 25, 2020

Hi David, I have tried to implement your solution. When I load the report, I receive an error message in the browser: "Cannot read property 'isHtml' of null". There is also no graph displayed. After clicking the "Download PDF" link, I receive the pdf without the chart and I receive a new error message: "Unspecified chart type.". I have checked Apache2 error.log and there is nothing. Thanks

David Winterburn commented on Nov 30, 2020

Hi Peter,

Did you used our example or your own implementation? First I would like to know if our standard example can export pdf on your environment. Then we will figure out which part (phantomjs pdf engine or data) went wrong. Thanks!

peter sereny commented on Dec 3, 2020

Hi, David! Yes, I did use your example according to your instruction. Thanks

David Winterburn commented on Dec 4, 2020

Hi Peter,

Would you please add post your full error messages (including tracking php code) for us to see it exactly? Thanks!

peter sereny commented on Feb 14, 2021

Hi, Sorry for not reacting sooner. The problem, which I was referring to was described in topic #1451 and the solution of "options"=>array( "fixTheChart"=>true ) worked for me as well. The chartjs exporting to pdf was not possible in version 4.5.1. The very same code produced the expected result after upgrading to version 5.0.4. The only missing part is that the chart is black and white and I need it in color. Do you have any suggestion? Regards

David Winterburn commented on Feb 15, 2021

Hi Peter,

It's great to hear the pdf export works now. Regarding the chart color issue, would you please post a screenshot of the exported pdf and the pdf view php and html code? Thanks!

peter sereny commented on Feb 15, 2021

Hi, David,

The solution for the problem was to use rgb colour definition and not rgba.


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