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Multi Query with SET variable and accessing it #1704

Closed MarkoS opened this topic on on Nov 9, 2020 - 10 comments

MarkoS commented on Nov 9, 2020

Hi all,

I am trying to write multi query and execute SET variables and than use them in next query. I am not sure if this is correct way for using with reports and binding. I know this isn't package related topic.

function setup()
            ->query("SET @DatumOD:=:start")
            ->query("SET @DatumDO:=:end")
            ->query("SET @Ukupno:= 0")
            ->query("select @Ukupno:=SUM(Kolicina) as Ukupno from my_table where DispatchDate between @DatumOD and @DatumDO")
            ->query("select NazivDobavljaca, sum(Kolicina) as Kolicina, (SUM(Kolicina))/(@Ukupno/100) as Procenat from my_table where DispatchDate between :start and :end")


I m trying to set ->query("SET @Ukupno:= 0") and with next step get calculated value which will be used in last query statement. In this case, (SUM(Kolicina))/(@Ukupno/100) as Procenat - @Ukupno isn't accessed and calculation it wrong. This example above does not throw any errors, only column "Procenat" does not have any data in DataTables table.

Can someone point me in right direction pls.

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 10, 2020

Marko, you could group the Set clauses together with the Select one in one query method:

            ->query("SET @DatumOD:=:start
                Select ...

Tell us if it doesn't work for you. Cheers,

MarkoS commented on Nov 10, 2020

Hi Sebastian, I've place them into one query as you suggested but it does not give me any results what so ever. No errors but no data as well :D

->query("SET @DatumOD:=:start;
            SET @Ukupno:= 0;
            select @Ukupno:=SUM(Kolicina) as Ukupno........;
            select NazivDobavljaca, ........;
Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 10, 2020

Marko, I have checked some docs and it looks like it's impossible to execute multiple statements per prepate/execute. I will see if there's a way to use the same variables for multiple select query and params.

MarkoS commented on Nov 10, 2020

Thanks Sebastian, I will keep trying as well. I have found this but that's totally different from what I gave for query and usage of ->pipe


MarkoS commented on Nov 29, 2020

Hi Sebastian, have you found any way to make this work? I still have this problem and don't know what to do really. :/

Sebastian Morales commented on Nov 30, 2020

Marko, sorry for the late reply. So far the only workable solution I can think of for this multi queries problem is to use a stored procedure with parameters. Here's an example:

..mysql console:
CREATE PROCEDURE getCustomers (IN name varchar(50))
         select * from customers where customerName like concat("%", name, "%");
        ->query('call getCustomers(:name)')
        ->params([':name' => 'an'])

It's certainly more complicated than using multi queries with variables directly but given the limit of php's prepared statement I haven't been able to see other ways to achieve it yet. Sincerely,

MarkoS commented on Dec 10, 2020

Hi Sebastian, I did not really get this. Looks a was complicated.

Maybe I could run different php query and "pipe" results to it. Would that be possible? I do not understand what ->pipe does here.

I did try this:

 $var_ukupno = 0;
            // 1st exec query
            ->query("select SUM(Kolicina) as Ukupno from cm_prodaja where DatumOtprem between :start and :end")
            // ## run second final query
            ->query("select NazivDobavljaca, Grupa, NazivGrupe, sum(Kolicina) as Kolicina, (SUM(Kolicina))/(.$var_ukupno./100) as Procenat from cm_prodaja where DatumOtprem between :start and :end group by NazivDobavljaca, Grupa, NazivGrupe order by NazivDobavljaca, NazivGrupe")

I wanted to run first query and than assign result to var $var_ukupno and use it in second query. But this throws an error Message:

Type: Error

Message: Call to a member function source() on integer

Filename: /home/cmbihco/public_html/prometi/fuel/modules/reporting/libraries/koolreport/core/src/core/Node.php

Line Number: 87

I am still stuck on this and can't figure out the way around it.

Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 11, 2020

Marko, if you want to retrieve data right in a report's setup, the following code could be used:

            ->query("select SUM(Kolicina) as Ukupno from cm_prodaja where DatumOtprem between :start and :end")

            $var_ukupno = $this->dataStore("temp")->data()[0]["Ukupno"];

Hope this helps. Cheers,

MarkoS commented on Dec 11, 2020

Hi Sebastian,

This is something what actually helped me to get solution for my problem. I am using do while, not smartest way but works for me.

Here is final code, in case if someone needs.

function setup()
$var_ukupno = 0;
        do {
            // 1st exec query, get first int value which will be used in 2nd stage and calculation
            ->query("select SUM(Kolicina) as Ukupno from cm_prodaja where DatumOtprem between :start and :end")
            $var_ukupno = $this->dataStore("temp")->data()[0]["Ukupno"];
        } while($var_ukupno == 0);
            // 2nd stage query
            ->query("select NazivDobavljaca, Grupa, NazivGrupe, sum(Kolicina) as Kolicina, (SUM(Kolicina))/($var_ukupno/100) as Procenat from cm_prodaja where DatumOtprem between :start and :end group by NazivDobavljaca, Grupa, NazivGrupe order by NazivDobavljaca, NazivGrupe")
Sebastian Morales commented on Dec 14, 2020

That's a really clever solution, Marko. And thank you for sharing your code to help other users with similar problem in the futures.

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