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Color homogeneity #1677

Closed Markus Mohr opened this topic on on Oct 21, 2020 - 2 comments

Markus Mohr commented on Oct 21, 2020

If I have the exact same query structure for, say, "surgery 1" compared to "surgery 2" displaying the always same 5 surgery types - when they have different percentage results, the highest one, the second one, etc. always receive the same color

How can I make each individual of the 5 surgery types retain the same color independent of their percentage?

KoolReport commented on Oct 29, 2020

May be this code will help:

            "style"=>function($row) {
                    case "surgery1":
                        return "color: #aaa";
                    case "surgery2":
                        return "color: #bbb";
Markus Mohr commented on Oct 29, 2020

Thank you, I had thought of playing with the categories myself, but your explanation does the trick.

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