I'm trying to get a report and am running into a problem. Part of it is that the database design isn't optimal and I cannot change it at all so please keep that in mind when responding.
GOAL: Search for all all tasks comments based on project ID and created date (based on a starting date range and a closing date range). Display some data from the parent Task record as well as the children attachment records for each row of the table.
PROCESS I THOUGHT WOULD WORK: 1. Search Tasks for id.project 2. Right join tasks-comments 3. Right join attachments
PROBLEM The report shows all tasks, not just the ones within the date range.
Very basic schema attached.
Here's the code:
/Creates datastore tasks_by_project_id; used for displaying tasks and associated comments and files
->innerjoin('tasks_comments', function ($join) {
->innerjoin('attachments',function ($join) {
->select('tasks.id')->alias('Task ID')
->leftjoin('extra_fields_list',function ($join) {
->where('extra_fields_list.extra_fields_id', '111');
I'm not sure if my logic is flawed or the code? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.