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Struggling with a report #1673

Closed Rooze McKelvey opened this topic on on Oct 19, 2020 - 4 comments

Rooze McKelvey commented on Oct 19, 2020


I'm trying to get a report and am running into a problem. Part of it is that the database design isn't optimal and I cannot change it at all so please keep that in mind when responding.

GOAL: Search for all all tasks comments based on project ID and created date (based on a starting date range and a closing date range). Display some data from the parent Task record as well as the children attachment records for each row of the table.

PROCESS I THOUGHT WOULD WORK: 1. Search Tasks for id.project 2. Right join tasks-comments 3. Right join attachments

PROBLEM The report shows all tasks, not just the ones within the date range.

Very basic schema attached.

Here's the code:

/Creates datastore tasks_by_project_id; used for displaying tasks and associated comments and files


 ->innerjoin('tasks_comments', function ($join) {

 ->innerjoin('attachments',function ($join) {

   ->select('tasks.id')->alias('Task ID')

   ->leftjoin('extra_fields_list',function ($join) {
            ->where('extra_fields_list.extra_fields_id', '111');


I'm not sure if my logic is flawed or the code? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.



Rooze McKelvey commented on Oct 19, 2020

Note: I hardcoded the date to troubleshoot that the variable wasn't an issue. Otherwise, it is normally a variable set by the search form.

David Winterburn commented on Oct 20, 2020

Hi Rooze,

Please try to output your query builder to sql with these methods:


Then copy and paste the sql to your database interface to see how it works. Let us know the result. Thanks!

Rooze McKelvey commented on Oct 23, 2020

Hi David,

Can you tell me how to view the SQL once I've added ->toMySQL(); to the code? I'm not sure how to call on it to print or echo in the view file and it doesn't show up in the console window. Thanks!

KoolReport commented on Oct 24, 2020

You can echo the result, for example

echo DB::table("tasks")->toMySQL();

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