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How to extend priority support & free upgrade? #1610

Open Ralf Föhring opened this topic on on Sep 3, 2020 - 3 comments

Ralf Föhring commented on Sep 3, 2020

I had already asked this question by email about 2 weeks ago, but unfortunately I haven't received an answer yet. So here again: What do I have to do so that I can continue to use the extended service for my KoolReport Pro Developer License? A timely response would be nice, as the existing one ends on September 17th.

Ralf Föhring commented on Sep 3, 2020

oops - just see my mistake in the headline ... I meant support of course, not supper ...LOL - maybe I was hungry at that time

KoolReport commented on Sep 3, 2020

Lol ... your headline is correct now. Normally 1 week before the subscription ended, our e-commerce vendor will email you about the renewal. I have checked your subscription and it seems you registered auto-renew. So next week you will receive email saying that your license will be renewed on 17th (if you wish to continue or you can cancel). If nothing happens, on that day, your license will be renewed automatically with price of $99 (or 83.89 EUR).

Hope that my explanation is clear.

On behalf of KoolReport team, thank you very much for staying with us.


Ralf Föhring commented on Sep 3, 2020

Thank you

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