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Correct incorrect error message #1604

Open Alex Chartier opened this topic on on Aug 30, 2020 - 1 comments

Alex Chartier commented on Aug 30, 2020

I have been fighting with trying to determine why ChromeHeadless export is giving me an Exception "Could not save content to temporary folder". After much debug I finally discovered it has nothing to do with permissions at all.

At the point in Exporter.php around line 239 where it is attempting to perform a file_put_contents the contents in my case is empty so the function is returning 0 bytes written which is being interpreted as false and throwing the exception.

There really should be a test prior to the file_put_contents for empty content and throw an exception on this so the error condition reported will more accurately reflect the actual error.

David Winterburn commented on Aug 31, 2020

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your valuable suggestion. We will put in both a check for empty content and an exception catcher to prevent that case from affecting the cloud export process.


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