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Help with subreport.update() #1600

Open stacy opened this topic on on Aug 27, 2020 - 2 comments

stacy commented on Aug 27, 2020

Hi, I try to load the subreport when when the document.ready, unfortunately nothing happen on the load. Below is my code on the view.php

    <sub-report id='DashboardReport' name='DashboardReport'></sub-report>

<script src="/koolreport/core/src/clients/core/KoolReport.subReport.js">


The subReport(DashboardReport) is not reload at all. It will be load only if i put this way.

    <?php $this->subReport("DashboardReport"); ?>

I need the DashboardReport load after user login to the dashboard only. I try put debugger on /koolreport/core/src/clients/core/KoolReport.subReport.js, dont see any impact on that. Please advise, thank you.

stacy commented on Aug 29, 2020

Hi, any update on this?

<script type="text/javascript" ">
        console.log("The subreport is preparing to update");
        console.log("The subreport is updated");

I'm testing the code above , i'm getting the Uncaught ReferenceError: subReport is not defined.

David Winterburn commented on Aug 31, 2020

Hi Stacy,

Please copy and modify this standard example of ours to update a subreport:


There's a listOrder button which call listOrder() function to update list order sub report.

If you want to auto update a subreport upon a page is loaded, please try KoolReport.load.onDone instead of $(document).ready, like this:

    KoolReport.load.onDone(function() {

Let us know if you have any problem with this. Thanks!

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