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How to generate barcode for my stock entries #1597

Open TADIE Hervé opened this topic on on Aug 25, 2020 - 1 comments

TADIE Hervé commented on Aug 25, 2020


We manage stock entries in our software, each entry has a batch number or reference We want now generate for each of them a barcode to help when sell product in a specific batch After generate that we will print that barcode to each product.

For instance :

These are 2 entries

  • Batch Number 1 : 001/25/2020/YU (Products : P1 - P2)

  • Batch Number 2 : 002/25/2020/YI (Products : P5 - P9)


KoolReport commented on Aug 26, 2020

You can write a separate report for each product with barcode on the report and then you use the export to create pdf version of report. The second ways is to view the report at web browser and use the printing feature of browser to print out.

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