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Is the conversion to a pdf only through chromeheadless.ok? #1507

Open Richb201 opened this topic on on Jun 28, 2020 - 1 comments

Richb201 commented on Jun 28, 2020

I am evaluating whether to use koolreports or return it. I am underwhelmed by the "priority support". Can I assume that I will need to use chromeheadless.io to have my customers convert their reports to pdf? Is there a charge for that per report?

KoolReport commented on Jun 28, 2020

The chromeheadless.io is a service of our, although we will have pricing plan in the future but not currently. And if there is pricing plan, it will be reasonable and there is always free tier. Since you have the KoolReport Pro, you can use the Export package alternatively.

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