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Excel export in Pivot 2D #1501

Open ankit opened this topic on on Jun 25, 2020 - 3 comments

ankit commented on Jun 25, 2020

Hi , I am using pivot 2d and want to export data in excel but with pivot 2D excel formatting is not correct but when I use pivot then excel format is fine, can you tell me that any other requirement for pivot 2d


      "dataStores" => array(
        'tat1Field' => array(
          'rowSort' => array(
            'quantity_c - count' => 'desc',

$node = $this->src("mysql")->query($Query)

    ->pipe(new Pivot2D(array(
            "column" => "dateyear",
            "row" => "users_zone_c, address_state, CSCName, engname",
            "sum" => "quantity_c, JSWithRating, noRating,Average, oneStar, oneStarPercent, twoStar, twoStarPercent, threeStar, threeStarPercent, fourStar, fiveStar, fourStarPercent, fiveStartPercent",
		"fieldDelimiter" => $delimiter,
	->pipe(new Map(array(
	'{value}' => function ($row) use ($delimiter) {
		foreach ($row as $colName => $colValue) {
				$colFields = substr($colName, 0, strrpos($colName, " || "));
				$customAverageColName =  $colFields . " || Average - sum";
				if($customAverageColName!==' || Average - sum'){
					$row[$customAverageColName] = $row[$colFields . " || JSWithRating - sum"] != 0 ? $row[$colFields . " || quantity_c - sum"] / $row[$colFields . " || JSWithRating - sum"] : 0;
				$customPercentFiveColName =  $colFields . " || fiveStartPercent - sum";
				if($customPercentFiveColName!==' || fiveStartPercent - sum'){
					$row[$customPercentFiveColName] = $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "fiveStar - sum"] != 0 ? $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "fiveStar - sum"]*100 / $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "JSWithRating - sum"] : 0;
				$customPercentFourColName =  $colFields . " || fourStarPercent - sum";
				if($customPercentFourColName!==' || fourStarPercent - sum'){
					$row[$customPercentFourColName] = $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "fourStar - sum"] != 0 ? $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "fourStar - sum"]*100 / $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "JSWithRating - sum"] : 0;
				$customPercentThreeColName =  $colFields . " || threeStarPercent - sum";
				if($customPercentThreeColName!==' || threeStarPercent - sum'){
					$row[$customPercentThreeColName] = $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "threeStar - sum"] != 0 ? $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "threeStar - sum"]*100 / $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "JSWithRating - sum"] : 0;
				$customPercentTwoColName =  $colFields . " || twoStarPercent - sum";
				if($customPercentTwoColName!==' || twoStarPercent - sum'){
					$row[$customPercentTwoColName] = $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "twoStar - sum"] != 0 ? $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "twoStar - sum"]*100 / $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "JSWithRating - sum"] : 0;
				$customPercentOneColName =  $colFields . " || oneStarPercent - sum";
				if($customPercentOneColName!==' || oneStarPercent - sum'){
					$row[$customPercentOneColName] = $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "oneStar - sum"] != 0 ? $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "oneStar - sum"]*100 / $row[$colFields . $delimiter . "JSWithRating - sum"] : 0;
		//echo '<pre>';print_r($row);
		return $row; 
	'{meta}' => function($meta) {
		$meta['columns']['Average - sum'] = array(
			'type' => 'number',
			'decimals' => 2,
		$meta['columns']['fiveStartPercent - sum'] = array(
			'type' => 'number',
			'decimals' => 2,
			'suffix' => '%',
		$meta['columns']['fourStarPercent - sum'] = array(
			'type' => 'number',
			'decimals' => 2,
			'suffix' => '%',
		$meta['columns']['threeStarPercent - sum'] = array(
			'type' => 'number',
			'decimals' => 2,
			'suffix' => '%',
		$meta['columns']['twoStarPercent - sum'] = array(
			'type' => 'number',
			'decimals' => 2,
			'suffix' => '%',
		$meta['columns']['oneStarPercent - sum'] = array(
			'type' => 'number',
			'decimals' => 2,
			'suffix' => '%',
            return $meta;

report format :

ankit commented on Jul 4, 2020

please update

David Winterburn commented on Jul 6, 2020


Please email your exported excel file with error to support@koolphp.net for us to check it for you. Thanks!

ankit commented on Jul 6, 2020

Hi David, I have attached excel file and code files also please help ASAP

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