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Export to csv, php 5.6.x #1459

Open Matt Jacobson opened this topic on on May 26, 2020 - 1 comments

Matt Jacobson commented on May 26, 2020

I'm trying to export data from a report to csv, but I keep getting a syntax error because the server is on php 5.6 and not 7.2 (we have other applications that are not yet fully tested in php 7.x). Is there an option for exporting without the Excel package? Thank you.

David Winterburn commented on May 27, 2020

Hi Matt,

Exporting to CSV requires the Excel package. If you have a problem with the latest version of Excel because of PHP 5.6 please send us an email to support@koolphp.net . We will send you and older version of Excel that could work with PHP 5.6. Thanks!

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