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Outdated phpoffice? PHP 7.4 returns "Trying to access array offset on value of type int" #1427

Closed Locness Tecnologia e Inovação opened this topic on on May 6, 2020 - 1 comments

Locness Tecnologia e Inovação commented on May 6, 2020

We have downloaded and installed KR Pro via zip file.

We're trying to generate multiple reports from the same array. Example:


Our report exports successfully to CSV, PNG and PDF.

However, when trying to export to XLSX, we get the error:

"message": "Trying to access array offset on value of type int",
    "exception": "ErrorException",
    "file": "(...)/koolreport/excel/vendor/phpoffice/phpspreadsheet/src/PhpSpreadsheet/Cell/DefaultValueBinder.php",
    "line": 58,

It happens when PhpOffice\PhpSpreadsheet\Cell\DefaultValueBinder::dataTypeForValue takes $value = (int) 1 as an input

This is the line that throws the error. It comes before making sure $pValue is not an integer:

        } elseif ($pValue[0] === '=' && strlen($pValue) > 1) {

The thing is, this has been corrected in PhpOffice in july 2019:


Is it expected that PHPoffice will be updated in the KRPro zip pack anytime to avoid this error?

David Winterburn commented on May 7, 2020


You are correct. We will update phpoffice/phpspreadsheet's version requirement in the next release of KoolReport. Meanwhile you could solve this by either:

1 . Change Excel's composer.json require to:

        "phpoffice/phpspreadsheet": "^1.10"

and run command: "composer update" in Excel's folder.

2 . Download phpoffice/phpspreadsheet with version >= 1.10 and extract it to Excel/vendor folder.

Let us know if you have any problem with this. Thanks!

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