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Datastore - Counting Records Before Date #1410

Closed Steph opened this topic on on Apr 27, 2020 - 4 comments

Steph commented on Apr 27, 2020

Hi All,

I just wanted to check if this syntax is right to count the number of records before a date:


... it always seems to return 0. Date is a normal SQL date field.


KoolReport commented on Apr 27, 2020

Hi Stepth,

You use the filter() method instead:


Let me know if it works.

Steph commented on Apr 27, 2020

Thank you it does, bit confused about the difference between 'where' and 'filter' - can you explain?

KoolReport commented on Apr 28, 2020

The filter() function is universal for filtering while where() only deal with equal comparison. Sorry that it sounds a little confusing, I understand we are working with SQL so we tend to understand WHERE statement seems dealing with all kinds of filtering. I will send your topic to dev.team since it contains a good suggestion for method naming for us.

Steph commented on Apr 28, 2020

Thank's for your help - you're absolutely right I assumed 'where' in an SQL context.

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