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SubReport usage #1400

Closed George opened this topic on on Apr 21, 2020 - 3 comments

George commented on Apr 21, 2020


looking at the examples and trying to see how subreports work I (mistakenly ?) came to conclusion that in order to make a subeport it's mandatory to have also the Inputs package (which I dont currently have) . The examples at least , use this feature and I cant find in the documentation another way to use them . I maybe looking at the wrong direction, so it that true or there are uses of them without using the inputs package ?


KoolReport commented on Apr 21, 2020

Hi George,

SubReport does not requires Input package. They are separate and can work together. As the name suggested, SubReport is a report which can be used inside a parent report. The parent report may have many subreports. Subreport is a good way to break a big report into smaller and independent reports that you can handle. Another good feature of SubReport is ajax updating. It means that the main report can update a subreport without post back.

SubReport can contains anything: inputs, charts, table. The concept of sub report is bigger than our examples provided with inputs package. In those examples, we used SubReport to include the inputs so that we can update those inputs via ajax. But you can put charts, tables inside subreport to update via ajax as well.

Hope that my answer helps.

Let us know if you need further clarification.

Steph commented on Apr 21, 2020

Hi George,

If you at this thread I posted a subreport example which doesn't use the Input package, but uses the feature for ajax updating as KoolReport mentions.



George commented on Apr 21, 2020

Thanks Steph ,

I will have a look into your example and hopefully I will be able to understand its usage !!


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